Market expansion

Achieve unrealized growth in new geographic markets or new industry verticals.

Our clients

Strategic minded companies seeking growth through market or industry expansion that understand the challenges and risk of new growth initiatives.

value we

Cross industry insights to identify the “right” opportunities for commercial success.
Proven success initiating, leading and managing market expansion initiatives.
Connectivity to established networks to immediately initiate commercial opportunities.
Trusted, experienced partner capable of successfully executing strategies for growth.

The results we deliver to our clients

Increased commercial success...
by executing the right opportunities with the most critical industry partners and audience.
Reduced commercial risk...
through our experience, structured approach, and access to our strategic network of partners.

What our clients say

Market expansion cases

Case 1  
Gaining commercial success with a disruptive technology


Growing in a New Market with an Emerging Technology. Growth that requires the support of multiple industry partners to demonstrate and validate technology with new customers.


Employ a collaborative market development approach that brings together the right set of industry partners, a facility to support demonstration and validation, and a push/pull strategy that increases demand, decreases barriers, and accelerates time to first sales.


In 2 years, our client’s brand became the recognized Leader in Automotive for PUR coatings on Cosmetic Plastic Parts, with a growing number of vehicles incorporating their materials for various applications.

Case 2  
Building a global footprint as a small company


Reducing Market Expansion risk. Establishing a footprint in a new geographic market for a boutique Engineering firm that requires a “high” touch in-person service model and in-depth knowledge of the market.


Execute a structured market development program that leverages the market experience, knowledge and access of Ruhl to identify and validate the market opportunity and that provides “on-demand” resources for execution and establishment of initial business opportunities.


Our client realized their 5-year sales goals in their second full year, substantially lowering their market risk, and allowing them to establish a regional sales office to support continued new growth.

Case 3  
Finding strategic focus amongst endless opportunity


Finding focus. Concentrating on the right commercial applications for your technology when the markets and opportunities appear to be endless.


Initiate a thorough market analysis and validation program to Identify and evaluate the multiple markets and to validate which are the most attractive and should be the strategic focus for further market development.


Focus Realized. Successful execution of near-, mid-, and long-term opportunities across multiple markets allowing our client to manage risk and providing commercial success to fund further market development.

Case 4  
Growing in a crowded, highly competitive market


Growing in a crowded market. Gaining awareness of a differentiated technology to secure opportunities for growth in a mature market with multiple established competitors.


In-Depth analysis and validation of the market, customers, and their environment identifying and aligning the greatest unmet needs with the strongest core competencies to drive customer focus, product differentiation, and market positioning.


In the first year our client was able to secure (3) new contracts with targeted customers and develop a pipeline of new opportunities that are leading to an estimated 5% increase in market share.

Case 5  
Achieving new growth by moving downstream


Moving Downstream. Developing a new downstream technology which requires an increased understanding of the market, customers, applications, and competitors.


Develop a comprehensive understanding of both the technical and commercial requirements through a Technically Driven Market Analysis approach focused on accelerating the time to market by simultaneously aligning product capabilities with the greatest needs of the market.


By matching the commercial needs with product capabilities through a holistic Technical/Commercial approach, our client was able to ensure a product market fit early on and accelerate product development.

Want to discuss opportunities?
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